Tuesday, January 15, 2008

eXam oh eXaM....

rain again, rain again....ujian pula!!! jadi begini ceritanyah...hari ne kan ujian 2 kali, yg pertama FHI open bug (acikacikacik), gw udah pny bahan bwt ujian ntu, ada dua kasus yg bakal gw tulis ntar (kan uda d kasi taw ntar kasusna apa ajah, nyantae don...) eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......gatawna hasil analisis kasus yg udah gw bwy gada 1 di pilihan soal nyah...whoooooaaaaa....nitemare....akhirna yg atu lg ngarang d pajke analisis sok sok ngemet PADAHALNGAWURSEKALEEE...hahahahah...
pikiran gw terlalu sempit kali yah, dah sok yakin bgt klo tuh soal bakal sesuai ma yg gw pengen ahiahiahiahia.....wekkkksssss....tinggal dua ujian lg neh, ntar jm stengah 12 n besok senen,.....ganbatte Kudasai...


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Monday, January 14, 2008

TanYa siApa!!!!!

Photograph of me!
It was taken some time ago. At first it seems to be a smeared print: blurred lines and grey flecks blended with the paper; then, as you scan it, you see in the left-hand corner a thing that is like a branch: part of a tree (balsam or spruce) emerging and, to the right, halfway up what ought to be a gentle slope, a small frame house. In the background there is a lake, and beyond that, some low hills. (The photograph was taken the day after I drowned. I am in the lake, in the center of the picture, just under the surface. It is difficult to say where.precisely, or to say,how large or small I am:the effect of wateron light is a distortion but if you look long enough,eventually,you will be able to see me :)
ketika kesederhanaan, kejujuran, keberanian, dan keikhlasan menjadi tombak hidupp..
arghhh kerennyah!!!!!


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Thursday, January 10, 2008

...toNite fOr fReedOm...

what d' maksud!!!!
finaLLy...gw d Lantik jg ne xixixixi...
but perjuangan masi panjang, ga brenti sampe d sini...
ya ii' lah....
bertepatan dgn tgl 10 jan 2008 (uLtah gw nie......heheh)
Hepy Rock'in bLezdey to mE, hope oL my wiSh come true hohoho...
trus New yEar IsLam 1 MuhaRRam 1429...
yahhh...pokoknya seneng bgd d...
dari kemaren tuw pengurus2 keadilan pada sok2 nakutin Qt, kata mereka Qt d suruh menyusuri kaLi coDe...iiiihhhh...(jd keinget wkt jaman pramuka smp dL, Lwt selokan2 trus masuk2 aer but it's okay), kebayang ga ntar malem pelntikannya gimana???aaahhh, paling ga serem2 bgd!!!Indah udah parno ajah dr kemaren, insyALLAH gw ga d (god watching over me hehe...)
blom mulae2 ne pdhl udah stgh10, kAtanya mule jam 9an tp mpe skrg masi pada ga jelas gitu...
Qta Liat ajah nTar d, bentar lg ne...huhuhuw

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Friday, January 4, 2008

Berapa Tahun Sudah Saya Hidup di Dunia

Ya Rabb, mahasuci Allah dgn sgala kebesarannya...
eka udah idup 19 taon d taon 2008 ini...
apa yg udah eka lakuin, apa yg udah eka terima...
apakah,siapa,kapan,dimana, mengapa, bagaimana?? semwa pertanyaan itu terekam hebat di benak hamba, entah apa kata2 slanjutnya yg bakal mengiringi sebuah awal kata tanya itu...hihihi...

so a day when u've lost urself completely
could b a nite when ur life ends
such us heart that will lead u to deceiving
ol d' pain  held in ur
hand r shaking cold
ur hand mine to hold
speak to me, when ol u got to keep it strong
move along, move along like i know u do...
n even when ur hope is gone
move along, move along just to make it through


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Look, the wind has started blowing
Still, I'm not giving up yet
I can feel the sun beneath the clouds
even through the headwinds.

My heart is drawing a dream
flying high above,to freedom
My heart draws a dream
Oh, If I land somewhere far away and open my eyes
I feel like I would see you there, smiling at me
It would be great if I can meet u

Hey, if we join our breaths,
we would surely fly higher
I wonder if we can see the future from there
Even just a piece

My heart is drawing a dream
flying far away passing through time
My heart draws a dream
Oh, I wish someday, this dream would come true
for you to be here, smiling at me.

Come on, reach out your hand
Now, we will be set free
Our hearts will not be bound by anyone
Our eyes will seize the sunlight
No matter how much the world is fading

Nobody and Everybody
Let's draw a dream
Let's draw a dream
Let's draw a dream
Our hearts draw a dream
Let's draw a dream
Let's draw a dream
Let's draw a dream ...look

Oh, If I land somewhere far away and open my eyes
It would be great if I could see you there, smiling at me...


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